From the recording Impossible World

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"Please No More Rain" came about a few summers ago when there was a ridiculous amount of rain happening in Alberta. (In Edmonton it rained o'plenty, but nothing like what they experienced in Calgary – which was epic!) The rain was happening while Wilfred was recording vocals on the fly – spontaneously making up the lyrics to "Nobody Has To Know". The words 'no rain . . . please, no more rain" bubbled up right when Wilfred got to the middle-eight section of the songs, and the rest of the song just took over. Later, he says, he extracted that 'please, no more rain' section to create a new mini-version of it, complete with rain and thunder (...on the tundra), and that short piece became "Please, No More Rain". And on the new album, “Impossible World,” that piece gets the full deal treatment with an extended version titled “Please, No More Rain (Seriously)”.


No rain
Please no more rain
I'm ready now for sunlight